weekend advice: up and out
Hi there, friends! Sorry about this weather situation right now. Yesterday was such a beautiful tease, and now it's chilly and rainy out. This weekend I've got an exciting shoot on the books, and I plan to share a quick peek on Instagram and Snapchat (yes, I'm totally obsessed - my username is allisonboc if you want to follow along)! Raven has more midterms next week so I've promised to be a good spouse and let him get some studying done. With that being said, this weekend's advice? Get out of the house.
With the temps slowly rising, Raven and I are craving being outside more. Charlie loves hikes we've done in the past, so we may try to squeeze one in this weekend. For sure, though, we're heading out of the city for an afternoon with friends on Sunday, and I'm looking forward to some fresh air! Whatever it is you've got planned, I hope it's amazing! Below are my favorite links of the week:
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of this dress for all those events I have coming up!
To make you smile (thanks Jess!).
This burger is unbelievable!
How New York artist couples share space.
Clothing for women who hate to shop. Thoughts on this? I'm very intrigued.
I still want to hear your tried and true fashion routine! Comment below or email me!
Love the idea behind this Instagram account.
Just ordered this shampoo to try - have you heard of it / tried it?
And lastly, don't forget I'm giving away 2 pairs of tickets to Toasted! Comment below and I'll select 2 random winners next Friday!
And that's all I've got for you today.