style at home: kristen

Good morning! Get ready for some serious sunshine, NYC - it may be raining outside but today's Style at Home post is one of the sunniest. 

Kristen and I met at Monarch Workshop earlier this year, and immediately realized we're neighbors! Kristen is a brand stylist and designer, and works out of her cheery (read: beautiful) home in Astoria. We spent the afternoon together a few weeks ago, and I had a blast styling her for our session. Her approach to style is bold and colorful, and in styling her I enjoyed a respite from the darker palette of my own closet. 

I hope you enjoy this session as much as I did...below is Kristen in her own words:

What is your general approach to fashion? 

I'm a firm believer of mixing high and low costing items. It doesn't matter what it costs, it matters how you wear it and what you wear it with.

Layers are also important. Layering pieces can make any plain tee or shift dress stand out.


How would you describe your style?


New England preppy but with color, sequins and metallic.


Who is your style icon?

Jenna Lyons for sure! She so effortlessly pairs classic preppy together with edgy pieces that just look like they are supposed to go together, it's a talent!


Stylist's note: can you EVEN with Olive the pup??


What is your earliest fashion memory?

I was a huge fan of Gem and the Holograms growing up and one year for Halloween my Grandmother and Mom made me the Glitter and Gold Gem costume. It was amazing and looked just like the character. I think that's where my love of gold came from for sure.


If you had to wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A J.Crew quilted vest.


Favorite brand or retailer?

Everyday wear - J.Crew, Lou & Grey


Any tips or tricks with regards to style, beauty, or shopping that you want to share?

Don't be afraid to go in stores you don't normally go into. I have found some of my favorite items in stores I usually don't shop in.

Make your outfits your own, don't buy exactly what you see in a store, mix your pieces, add accessories and don't be afraid.

Above all always wear what you feel comfortable in. Nothing is worse that feeling uncomfortable and not confident.


Thank you Kristen and OLIVE the pup for opening up your home to me! 

