weds-day, part 5: real talk
Mornin! This week we're stuck in a bit of a rut planning wise, with a bunch of vendor contracts in flux, and a lot of procrastination from me, so I wanted to hear from you.
As wonderful as they are, we take weddings with a grain of salt (grain of rice?) because we understand that a year's worth of planning went into them and no marriage, couple, family or person is that perfect. Right?
I came across this article yesterday and was cracking up. I adore hearing behind the scenes stories about wedding night trysts; in a way, they're so romantic and reassuring. As my friend put it, after days of being "on" and running around like crazy, all you want to do is relax with your main squeeze for a hot sec, and not have to worry about forcing yourselves to have sex.
Tell me, married friends! Did you have sex on your wedding night? Or, if you're not into putting the dirty deets out there on the internet, tell me something unglamorous from your wedding day. Or feel free to share some wedding day advice!
photo by Ashley Caroline for LRW.