weds-day: the website

It's funny how wedding traditions that didn't exist 10 years ago are now near mandatory practice. Take, for example, the wedding website. Yes, people make them and they're beautiful, but I also cannot imagine attending a wedding as a guest without one. How else do you communicate about welcome parties, parking, discount codes and activities in the area? So, we're making one... Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 8.12.49 AM


The artist who is doing our invites suggested using Squarespace, so we decided to give it a try. So far, so good. I am not one who likes to create something from the ground up (I realize how that sounds since I have my own business but honestly, it's something I struggle with constantly), so I'm grateful that SS has straightforward templates where you can just plug and play all of your information. Likely, we'll add in a page here or there for other information that's unique to our day, but for now I appreciate the ease. Also, it's a really great way to show off our engagement pictures by Ashley!

AND! Perfect timing - I was reading Style Me Pretty yesterday and came across this post. If you and your fiance/e want to try out Squarespace for your wedding, use code SMP15 for 10% off!

Are you all doing wedding websites? Did you do one? Thoughts / tips? Talk to me!
