picture of the week

Ashley Caroline-3 Good morning, friends! Another Friday, look at us go (I'm running out of ways to say 'it's Friday' if you can't tell). Today I'm heading to School of Style's "Introduction to Style" course and I am so excited and a little bit freaking out. I've wanted to take some sort of formal course about wardrobe styling, and was so pleased to see that School of Style has gotten great reviews. I can't wait to update you guys on how it goes! This weekend I'm really excited to be filming a little something for blog - I cannot wait to show you guys! Have an awesome one, and here are my favorite links of the week:

Missed our Virtual Think Tank? No worries, watch it here. Want more? Good because we're hosting round 2 on June 25th at 8pm!

Even though our honeymoon is booked, I'm saving this roundup for later.

Eating healthy on a budget.

50 things to do in Astoria this summer!!

I use the Keeper and it was the best decision I've ever made.

I have yet to make an Everlane purchase, but these remind me of the uber expensive Nicholas Kirkwood loafers I've been coveting.

This book is on my birthday / Christmas list.

See you lovelies back here next week!






image by Ashley Caroline.


tonight at 8pm

AshleyCarolinePhotography(164of283) Good morning, friends!

So, we talk a lot on here about things, and money, and appearance - kind of superficial, when you think about it. I grew up with parents who always told me that family is the most important aspect of life, and that the rest (jobs, money) is just details. I absolutely agree with this mentality, and yet, here I am building a career that, at first glance, is the opposite of that philosophy.

So how do I balance the need to create with the desire to pursue a career that can, at times, feel very uncreative and sort of unnecessary? Because I love what I do, truly.

Tonight I'm going to attempt to answer this question, among others, when I participate in an online "virtual think tank" with Courtney Romano (remember her? mmm hmm!).

Join us, won't you? Let's make some sense out of our lives.

See you at 8pm!







photo by Ashley Caroline.