in the news

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Hey friends! Monday already, eh? I was ready for the weekend to keep on keepin' on, but here we are.  Hope your weekend was awesome, ours definitely was. Raven and I visited Cara in New Jersey and left feeling incredibly full (literally and figuratively) and pining for burb livin'.

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I just wanted to call your attention to a couple things that are currently happening. Firstly, I'm going H.A.M on Instagram. No, seriously. See evidence:

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I'm trying to bring you guys an outfit gram every day, to show you all what I actually wear and how I piece my outfit together, so please follow along!

Secondly, I just created a new board on Pinterest.

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Yes, a board dedicated to my holiday picks. I'll still be doing gift guides here on the blog, but for weekend gift sourcing this holiday season, this will be where it's at. Gifts, Men, Yourself,'s all there and I'll be updating it weekly. Is it too soon? Yes and no. You be the judge! Either way, please give a girl some love and follow me on Pinterest.

And that's what's happening now, friends! I've got a fun cold weather post coming at you this week, just in time for weather that will apparently be in the 20's-30's here in NYC? Buhhhhh...yeah. See you then.
