picture of the week

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Good morning, friends! You are looking at a girl who had an uninterrupted night's sleep last night. The medicine Charlie is on is working and our fingers are crossed that things keep improving. And I promise that I will eventually stop with the dog updates. The weather in NYC is perfect right now; a little overcast, a little cool...it reminds me of one of those last days of camp where you'd feel the seasons changing a bit and be a little nostalgic for the summer but really ready for Fall? I'm totally in that space right now. This summer has been a great one for me, but I feel primed for cooler weather. I've eaten my fill of ripe tomatoes and summer corn and I'm ready for sweatshirts and hot coffee and pumpkin everything. Too soon?

What are you all up to this weekend? Blissfully, we have next to nothing on the agenda until Sunday night, when my Mom and sister get into town for a few days! I hope you enjoy this cool weather, and as always, here are my favorite links of the week...

Speaking of pumpkin...

I want to drop myself into the pictures of this fall collection.

A completely impractical but perfectly magical bag.

Drooling over this wedding.

Loved this article about Jessica Simpson's nearly billion dollar business.

I have this weird thing with hats. I can't get into them, they feel a bit trendy to me. But, I want one for our honeymoon, and aren't these  gorgeous?

Until next week!
