weds-day: random updates

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Good morning, friends! I apologize for my absence these past few days. We've been having a time here in the O'Koehler household. I'm not sure I've ever mentioned it on the blog, but Charlie has had terrible seasonal allergies this summer. So bad that we keep a cone on him (per the vet's recommendation) when he's in the house - to keep him from scratching to injury. Earlier this summer the vet put Charlie on this new allergy medicine which came highly recommended. What we didn't know is that it suppresses the immune system of the dog who takes it, making him much more vulnerable to random ailments. Long story short, he caught one of those random ailments and went back to the vet yesterday for tests and to pick up some antibiotics. I sound like a crazy person recounting tales of my dog at the vet, but it is so stressful having to play the guessing game with someone who can't verbally communicate. Charlie is our baby for sure, so we're so relieved that he's on medication and (hopefully) on the mend.

So, that's why you didn't hear from me yesterday. On the wedding front, my SIL and I have been busy  stuffing, stamping, and addressing our invites, which we're sending out next week. Thank god for my sister-in-law because this is the kind of tedious activity that makes my skin crawl. It's easy but requires so much focus (so many components!) that for some reason I cannot relax about it.

Other item to note: wedding weight. I know I know. But I have to mention it. I don't need to lose any weight for the wedding, but I would love a tightening / toning and perhaps serendipitous weight loss. The barre classes I attend are wonderful and I definitely feel stronger having taken them for the past few months, but I would love love love your input. All of my friends / family have their secret weapon recommendations for me (cardio 5x a week, eat whole foods only, don't drink, etc), but I want more. I want to feel like I'm not the only grown ass adult who has absolutely no idea how to get in shape.

So...can you help? Get at me, friends! And I promise to come back here tomorrow with some legit content for you.
