picture of the week

By the sea, Labor Day 2015 Happy Fridayyyyyyy to you! I am in a wonderful mood because it is currently 67 degress out and there's a lovely breeze happening. I am so craving weather in the 50's-60's, but I'll take the cool mornings and nights over summer any day. What are you up to this weekend? We're laying low and will inevitably wind up working on wedding plans. After last weekend it will be nice to stay local and just recuperate. The blogs are in a frenzy over fashion week and I've got some goodness for you below with my favorite links of the week!

The 50 minute phone rule. I am weak.

How to remove a wine stain (and other helpful hacks).

Love seeing this misogynist put squarely in his place!

If I wasn't addicted to gel manis, this would be my go-to.

Just ordered this for an upcoming wedding! Fingers crossed it works!

I'll take any of these trips, please.

Pumpkin spice recipes at home. Hey, Fall!

I told you so.

Desperately trying to find a reason (and the funds) to purchase these.

See you next week! (exciting announcement will be happening!)









My thoughts are with all those affected by the tragedy that happened 14 years ago today.

picture of the week

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Saying goodbye to the summer (or rather, good riddance ;)) is all that's on the agenda for this weekend! Charlie and I are heading to our family's beach house later today and it's going to be a full house - my brother and his wife, my sister and her husband, all 3 nephews, my mom and dad, me, Raven (come Sunday), and 2 of our friends. I see a lot of donuts in my future. Hope your weekend is shaping up to be exciting - the weather is supposed to be amazing. Have a great one! Links below:

Looking forward to turning some of our Instagram pics into prints.

Another gorgeous lookbook.

To make you smile.

Love this take on the Nicki / Miley altercation.

So excited to try this veggie burger!

I've got my eye on these slippers for getting ready on my wedding day!

See you lovers next week!



picture of the week

View More: http://ashley-caroline.pass.us/julialoganengaged And a happy Friday to YOU, my friends. Much was accomplished this week and I'm looking forward to a special project today which you'll hear about in the coming weeks! What are you up to this weekend? The weather is amazing right now - we've been kickin' it without AC and it has been delightful. Looking forward to heading to the beach one last time next week, but for now we'll be sitting tight in Astoria. Hope you have a lovely weekend, here are my favorite links of the week:

This gif from Bridesmaids. That movie gets me every time.

This is a hoax but I DIED laughing.

Speaking of dying laughing: Tig. Notaro.

This is going to change every NYC wino's life.

Brand to know.

How badass is this trench for fall?

An extremely positive pooch.

We're staying here on our Honeymoon. Insert googly eyes.

Remember how I mentioned yesterday that designers will re-release best selling pieces? Alexander Wang!

See you next week, loves!









image by Ashley Caroline.

picture of the week

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Good morning, friends! You are looking at a girl who had an uninterrupted night's sleep last night. The medicine Charlie is on is working and our fingers are crossed that things keep improving. And I promise that I will eventually stop with the dog updates. The weather in NYC is perfect right now; a little overcast, a little cool...it reminds me of one of those last days of camp where you'd feel the seasons changing a bit and be a little nostalgic for the summer but really ready for Fall? I'm totally in that space right now. This summer has been a great one for me, but I feel primed for cooler weather. I've eaten my fill of ripe tomatoes and summer corn and I'm ready for sweatshirts and hot coffee and pumpkin everything. Too soon?

What are you all up to this weekend? Blissfully, we have next to nothing on the agenda until Sunday night, when my Mom and sister get into town for a few days! I hope you enjoy this cool weather, and as always, here are my favorite links of the week...

Speaking of pumpkin...

I want to drop myself into the pictures of this fall collection.

A completely impractical but perfectly magical bag.

Drooling over this wedding.

Loved this article about Jessica Simpson's nearly billion dollar business.

I have this weird thing with hats. I can't get into them, they feel a bit trendy to me. But, I want one for our honeymoon, and aren't these  gorgeous?

Until next week!



picture of the week

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset This is the 52nd edition of Picture of the Week on LRW! A milestone I am excited to reach. Thanks so much for reading LRW, you have no idea how much it means to me! We have a very exciting weekend ahead; we're driving up to Newport, Rhode Island tonight after Raven gets off work! We'll be spending the weekend with our dear friends Cara & Kevin, and I'll be assisting them with their engagement shoot. Not a bad deal, right? What are you up to this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope it's lovely! Below are my favorite links of the week:

How happy is Lena Dunham's dressing room?

Every "it" bag ever.  (swoon)

My best friend is Japanese so coming across this list basically made my day yesterday.

Already so excited about fall. Tried on this coat in store - it's perfection.

In Turkey, you can come to work an hour late if you exercise first.

The new ballet flat (I want them, I need them, oh baby, oh baby).

Just started reading this, and I can't put it down!
