a little push
With Court's post from yesterday still fresh in my mind, I wanted to quickly talk about my my own take on New Year's resolutions. I hate them.
Alright, hate is a strong word. Safe to say I'm a little intimidated by them, and every year I like to roll my eyes and pretend I'm above all of the goal making and no-rule-breaking shenanigans. Because really I'm just terrible at following through with goals.
I was that girl who, if the teacher asked her to sit still in class, she HAD to fidget. Had to. Be quiet? Insta-giggles. Don't, to me, is like a mini invitation to DO. And vice versa. So for me, a challenge is something that I not only shy away from, I usually head for the mother freakin' hills.
Why, you ask? Well, let's break down this phrase. NEW. Oh, that's not scary. Change is not scary at all. Year. That's an entire 365 days of time. That's a lot, especially for our 6-second attention span, multi-tasking, smartphone wielding selves. Resolution- a course of action determined or decided on. That sounds a lot like "no take backs" to me. INTIMIDATING, SCARY THINGS.
New. A fresh start. Year. 525,600 minutes that are mine oh mine to do with what I choose. Resolution. What if I decide the course?
I decided that this year, committing to something new was a little less scary to me than staying the same. A challenge isn't something to roll my eyes at; it's not scary, it's empowering and it's mine. So in January I decided I wanted to do yoga every single day. To many people this is a silly, teeny goal, but to me, it's a lot. I don't do much physical activity every day other than walks with Raven and Charlie and the occasional workout. So to get up and move every day- to move with a goal of bettering the entire Allie, not just the physical Allie- isn't just a challenge, it's a welcome push.
Courtney took me to my first yoga class a few years ago, when I was going through a really rough time at work, and that one class took me elsewhere for an hour. It was kind of magical. Here's hoping the next 31 days feel the same.
I'll be doing some recaps here and there to check in, so feel free to follow along!
Do you have any resolutions, goals or little pushes for the New Year?
pictures via Pinterest and my iPhone.