sweater weather
Why does it seem like blogs and fashion websites are already talking about SPRING CLOTHING??? As soon as I checked my blog roll yesterday, I saw a post about spring shoes. It's January 2nd! Do not deprive this New England lady of her winter! Do not take away our snow and our snuggles and our layers and our BOOTS! I refuse to talk about spring or summer. Besides, as I type this, we're in the midst of Winter Storm Hercules, so I think it's safe to continue on with this post...
Which is about sweaters.
Here are some beauties that are on sale right now (click pics for links):
Oversized and comfy yet work appropo:
Pair with some high-waisted jeans:
Sweater Robe (still work appropriate in most cases):
Don't let neon die:
The Cher Horowitz:
For when you wanna feel a lil' fancy:
Comfy to the maximum:
I don't think I could choose one! It's a toss up between the last one and the robe, for me.
What sweaters are you coveting post holidays? Any favorites here?