should you start from scratch?
Our From Scratch for 50 Days: A Creativity Challenge starts today, Wellers.
We start today, in the last month of winter and finish in the first month of spring. It’s no coincidence that we chose this part of the year to do something as ambitious as this. Think about the release, the energy, the hope you feel as the seasons change. What if we took those fertile 50 days and turned them into the most creative days of our year? What could we catapult ourselves to do?
Who is #scratchfor50 for?
This challenge is for the person who…
...needs a change.
…has something on the backburner he can’t get started. thiiiiis close to finishing her first draft.
…needs a real release outside of the 9 to 5.
...wants a community he can trust.
...likes social media and wants to boost her own visibility.
...feels stuck in his annual rut.
...feels anxiety about what to do next.
...thinks he’ll never work again.
...doesn’t believe she can do this.
...digs a challenge.
...has never done anything like this before.
And, of course, there will be prizes (announced soon). But more than anything else, this is for you.
What would you create if you knew you couldn’t fail?
Today’s the day. You in?