go big or go home

Before Ashley and I hung out this past weekend, she asked me if I could bring some statement necklaces to our shoot (more on the shoot later!!). I made one of these faces: tumblr_ma4pe4CcTq1r3ty02o1_500


Because, as a lover of fashion and an amateur stylist, I feel a little ashamed about my statement game! As in, I got none. I have two big necklaces: one that Court got me that I love, and one that I bought on a whim that I think I've worn once. Shucks!

During one of our outfit changes, Ashley pulled out an amazing array of chunky necklaces. Check out her statement game!

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I would have happily carried each one of her choices off, but I was so intimidated by them! How would I style them, what do they go with? What do they not go with? So I decided to do some research(click pictures for link)












Mission: Accomplished, no? I could scoop up any of these babies and be happy. Which is your favorite?

Thanks, Ashley, for the inspiration!