boudoir session with victoria gloria!

Hi ladies and gents! Apologies for the late post today, I of course came down with some achy fever-y type of illness the second I got home, so I've been sleeping it off. But, I had to pop in today to tell you of an exciting opportunity this January! boudoir-shoot

My good friend Victoria Gloria is hosting a very limited number of boudoir sessions and I am styling them all! I am so excited for this shoot, you have no idea. I've worked on boudoir sessions before, and they're so fun to style because there's so much to experiment with. For this shoot, Victoria and I have talked a lot about vintage silk and lace, faux fur, and fun stockings. I've started sourcing pieces already, ladies, and things are looking good.

If you're getting married, or just want to do something sweet and sexy for your love, this is the shoot for you. Victoria is so wonderful to shoot with, and her images are pure and so strong. Her work is so exceptional, please check her out by clicking the link above. If you have any questions about the shoot (look at all you get for what you pay!) drop me a line here or send me an email.

Can't wait to see you January 17th!
