chilly willy links
Hi hi hi!
This morning I rolled over, realized it was Friday, and smiled so hard. Even though it's FREEZING OUT, I am so excited for the weekend! Tomorrow I'm grabbing brunch with one of my closest friends from college. We're trying this place. And even though Valentine's day is a total sham, Raven and I love an excuse to go out to dinner. We're trying a new place in Brooklyn (based on some recs on FB) - will let you know how it goes! The end of February and March is going to be a really busy time for me (yay!), so I'm going to soak up this weekend best I can. Hope you have an amazing one, and here are my favorite links from the week!
I cooked this week! Made this and it is delicious.
Oh, these are so beautiful.
Nordstrom is having a sale! I want this shirt bad.
This simple app has totally transformed my productivity in the mornings!
Speaking of creativity, this is awesome.
I admit it. I have a candle addiction. I want to add this bad boy to our collection.
An important read on the impact of Beyonce's new single.
AND!!! If you would me 1-2 sentences about your style philosophy! Post about it will be up Monday :)
Friends, have an incredible weekend!