nailed it.

Morning lovely people! Before we get started here, I just want to give a shout out to Charlie, who is THREE today! This is Charlie this morning:

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Happy Birthday, Charlie! We are in love with you.

So, lately I've been obsessed with nail art. There seems to be a trend going around, and maybe I'm late to the party, but it's a GREAT party. I always get a gel manicure before I go on vacation, and my friend recommended Vanity Projects before we went to Costa Rica - she had gotten some cool manicures there. Their Instagram is chock full:

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Right!? So fun! I had a good experience there but I was a little disappointed in myself for not being a little more adventurous (I got a rose gold mani with a simple design on each index finger). Well, this weekend I'm attending the Monarch Workshop and I really want to look ON POINT! So I've got to figure out what kind of design I want to do...

For more simplistic yet still daring ideas, I found a spot called Paintbox that's been getting a lot of hype:

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A little more subdued, but still awesome!

And lastly, my friend Emily just told me about Ten Over Ten, which does nail art with regular nail polish (which Vanity Projects doesn't like to do):

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Hmm, the Jury's out. I would LOVE to hear your suggestions. Get at me!! xoxo


images via here, here, here.

on vegetarianism

398794_647789492796_2054072258_n When I was 20, I spent my summer at the dog park in Union Square. I was interning for the summer at a theater, living in a windowless room in Astoria and sharing an apartment with a couple with whom I didn't get along. It was a pretty lonely existence. On my walk to the train, I would stop by the dog park and watch the dogs romp around. Sometimes I would chat with the owners, sometimes I would play with the dogs, but most of the time I would silently observe.

Lonely though it was, that summer was a life-changing one for many reasons, least of all my decision to stop eating meat. When I returned to school that fall, I announced to my friends that I wanted to become a vegetarian. They all laughed in my face, no one believed I could do it (myself included). Truthfully, I had many slip ups. Drunken college evenings would end with a trip to the student union and next thing I knew I would find myself eating a bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwich (bagel bombs from GQ, as we would call them). My 21st birthday culminated in myself and two friends hurtling down the street toward a McDonald's, where I had my last cheeseburger ever.

I'm not a traditional vegetarian in any sense (but then again, I guess, who is). In fact, technically I'm a pescatarian, but I don't use that word. People - and when I say people I'm completely generalizing - are uncomfortable and displeased at best when they find out someone doesn't eat meat. It's not, by definition, "normal." The questions can't come fast enough. Why? Health reasons? Ethical reasons? And my favorite, "Oh, you eat fish/eggs/milk/cheese? That doesn't count."

My response is always the same: I'm a vegetarian because I don't believe in the way we do it here. "The way" being our inhumane manner of raising and slaughtering animals for consumption, "here" being the US. I like meat, I just don't eat it. If I had the guts to kill it myself, I would. Do you see how this drives people up a wall? Even typing it out, I know how polarizing it is.

I'm not trying to change anyone but myself. I would love to see my friends and family swear off meat. Heck, I would love to see myself swear off leather goods and eggs, dairy, and fish. I'm not perfect, and this is what I believe. Whenever someone challenges me, I pose the question, "How are you demonstrating your beliefs each day? This is mine, and this is how I practice it." It doesn't make people feel any better, but it gives me a respite from the guilt I feel about not being able to fit exactly within the confines of the word vegetarian. And despite people's opinions, I will keep on keepin' on with my own definition of the word.

I grew up in a meat lovin' family, where I would ask my mother nightly over dinner, "Mom? What animal is this?" I've always felt connected to animals (sometimes more than people), and all my trips to the dog park that summer shook something loose in me. I haven't eaten meat in almost 9 years. This post isn't meant to make you feel guilty, change your mind about your diet, or admonish you if you've ever asked the above questions of a vegetarian you know. It's meant to inspire thought, and if nothing else, a trip to the dog park.

I would love to hear your thoughts - good, bad, or ugly. Feel free to comment or shoot me an email at littleredswell AT gmail DOT com!


gift guide: charlie's xmas list

Monday, we meet again.  No matter, I'm smiling because yesterday it SNOWED and this weekend I did a lot of Christmas-y things (read: gift buying and tree trimming).  It is officially the holidays and needless to say, here at LRW we are thrilled. Charlie and I went out for a walk in the snow last night, which got me thinking about what he would want for Christmas…that is, if he ever wanted anything other than a treat and a good snuggle.


pet gifts

1.  Charlie expects treats after a walk.  Nay, he demands them, and he knows exactly where they are kept. A cookie jar for his biscuits might throw him off the trail for a while.

2.  Again, I have shown that I am incapable of doing a gift guide that does not feature plaid.  But how OFFICIAL does that little pooch look?!

3.  Even dogs need accessories. Charlie is a minimalist and a realist; he prefers this brand for its simple aesthetic and lifetime guarantee, but every pooch needs a little bling now and then.

4.  Since our pups can't enjoy Christmas cookies, I enjoy the idea of presenting Charlie with this on Christmas so he doesn't feel left out.

5.  Every year around the holidays I make a donation to the ASPCA.  It makes my heart feel nice, and I think it would be a great gift for an animal lover who's particularly hard to buy for.  Court and I are planning on doing post on holiday giving soon, so please keep coming back!


Hope you've enjoyed these gift guides!  Do you buy your pet a Christmas gift?