do-over daydream

Maybe it's the change in seasons, maybe it's this cup of coffee that I'm drinking right now, but I feel the itch to redecorate. Have you all seen the pictures of Tory Burch's home? d62e6362f5c7f0a6ef039f5469fd35b6



The moment I laid eyes on these pictures, I was obsessed with this wallpaper. Of course it's very expensive and "to the trade only" (which means that only designers are allowed to purchase the fabric), so not a realistic option for me, but…a girl can dream, right?



I think that living room is my favorite. Since our place is on the small side, I would put this wallpaper in our entry way only (please take the word entryway with a large grain of salt), with a fun bench like this:



A Gray Malin photograph:



And some fun hooks:


What do you guys think? Am I crazy?

PS- Please come back tomorrow to see round 2 of my shoot with Ashley Caroline Photography!

images via Pinterest, click product photos for source links.

snow day escape

As much as I'm loving this snow storm right now…I know the majority of you are looking out the window and shaking your fist. So let's pretend we have a snow day and escape - just for a couple minutes.

Have you all heard of the photographer Gray Malin?

He's the artist behind the Prada Marfa pictures...




Gorgeous right?  Well he also does amazing arial shots of beaches...







Ahhhh…don't you just want to drop right in there?

Oh!  He's also doing a pop-up Valentine's day shop with J. Crew!



Pretty stellar, right?  His photos are whimsical and kitschy, and they make me want to hop on a plane.

So what do you think?  Do you like Gray Malin's work?



all images by Gray Malin.