do-over daydream
Maybe it's the change in seasons, maybe it's this cup of coffee that I'm drinking right now, but I feel the itch to redecorate. Have you all seen the pictures of Tory Burch's home?
The moment I laid eyes on these pictures, I was obsessed with this wallpaper. Of course it's very expensive and "to the trade only" (which means that only designers are allowed to purchase the fabric), so not a realistic option for me, but…a girl can dream, right?
I think that living room is my favorite. Since our place is on the small side, I would put this wallpaper in our entry way only (please take the word entryway with a large grain of salt), with a fun bench like this:
A Gray Malin photograph:
And some fun hooks:
What do you guys think? Am I crazy?
PS- Please come back tomorrow to see round 2 of my shoot with Ashley Caroline Photography!
images via Pinterest, click product photos for source links.