picture of the week
Good morning! I have been sleeping through the night recently (as opposed to waking up at 3am for no reason) and it feels so wonderful. What are you all up to this weekend? I'm so excited to head to the Poconos with my good friends. We'll be seeing our friend Liz perform in Rent at the Britstol Valley Theater, and spending a lot of time by the lake (if the weather holds out). What are you all up to? Here's hoping you have a great one, favorite links below!
The picture above is part of the Bisou Sessions. We'd love to work with you!
I don't want to take away from her speech, buy Caitlyn Jenner in Atelier Versace? Perfection.
How to travel with just a carry on.
This new to me fine jewelry line has me swooning.
Considering this dress for my bachelorette party...thoughts??
Then again, this one is also so fun! (ps Nordstrom anniversary sale is on)
Garance Dore x Equipment. Match made in heaven.
True Detective season 2, why? [spoilers!]
See you Monday!
image by Victoria Gloria.