four years

62957_550806113266_103416_n Four years ago today was my first date with Raven. We count it as our anniversary because from that day on, we didn't spend many apart. We had an insta-romance. Still do.

Raven massages my feet even when he's tired, even though he hates it. Raven makes the best breakfast in the universe. Raven walks me to the bathroom of our 750 sq ft apartment in the middle of the night when I'm too scared to go alone. Raven has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Raven calls me sweetie, not babe, because he's a renegade like that. Raven comforted me for 2 years while I worked at a job I hated. He gave me rock solid support. Raven is actually the kindest soul in the world.

I don't know what I would do without him; luckily, I don't have to wonder. Love you, Raven!


top image by Kennedy Kanagawa, bottom image by Ashley Caroline photography.