dressing for your audience without changing your style

I have always catered my dress towards the people I surround myself with. The ultimate show of people pleasing, yes, but it's also an interesting way to examine the adaptability of one's style. Let me explain.

For the first real corporate job I had, I worked with two girls whose style was different from mine. DVF wrap dresses, lacy blouses and skirts...not really me. When I was shopping for duds for that job, I noticed that I gravitated towards that style.

While my wrap dress has been in the back of my closet for years, I still carry this mindset around with me; dress for your audience. Yes, there's a whole changing-yourself-to-be-like-others argument. In this case, however, I like to think of it as flexing that fashion muscle.

You want more examples, yes? Here we go...

Let's use yours truly as an example. As you well know, my summer uniform consists of a jean and tee base, comme ca...



shirt  // shorts 

This is me, right? Truly, how I style the rest of the outfit depends on who I'm with. Should you compromise how you dress to impress others? No. Is it awesome to have different style moods for every day / every occasion / every group of friends and be stylistically flexible? Absolutely.


shoes // sunglasses // gingham shirt


boots // bralette // scarf headband



shoes // necklace // clutch // belt

I would absolutely wear each of these outfits. I'm looking at that Missoni headband long and hard, though.

Which is your favorite outfit? Do you find yourself dressing for your audience?