picture of the week

QTQyI3YZA_gx Good morning, friends! Raven and I started watching True Detective this week, and we're totally hooked. It's just so incredibly well done! Have you watched? What are you up to this weekend? We are laying low, except for a good friend's murder mystery birthday party tonight, which should be awesome. I'll also be dreaming of the above kitchen, which has infiltrated my brain space this week. Hope you have a lovely weekend, here are my favorite links of the week:

Last night was our second Think Tank! Check it out here, and join us next month!

Happy to learn I'm not the only one who wants to crack the black in summer code.

My good friend Craig is always looking out for me. Gin lovers click here.

Have you heard about the dog meat festival in China? I urge you to sign the petition.

In lighter news, I'm considering these pink pumps for my bridal shower.

Bookmarked these apps for our Honeymoon.

Do your parents help you out financially?







image via.

the best gin & tonic you'll ever have

barrhillgin What better way to celebrate the weekend than with a delicious cocktail recipe?

If you've been reading LRW for a bit, you know how passionate I am about gin. Some people say it tastes like Christmas trees, but I love it so. Growing up, my mom and her best friend would always make g&t's after a day at the beach. They would look at each other from their beach chairs and say: "The limes are calling!" That was their signal, and a good gin and tonic is pretty much the only cocktail my mom drinks. So, perhaps my love of gin is genetic.

It's really not a hard drink to make, but I wanted to share my recipe just in case. First of all, Barr Hill gin is the most delicious gin I've ever tasted. A bartender down the road at The Sparrow made me a cocktail with it last summer and I've been obsessed ever since; I only recently found it at the liquor store (thank you, Astoria!). Barr Hill is made with raw honey in Vermont...need I say more?

I make my G&T's with lemon, not lime. I don't know how I got started on this, but it's delicious. Won't you give it a try?

Allie's G&T

1-2oz Barr Hill Gin

4 oz Tonic

2 slices lemon

Chilled cup of ice

Fill a fancy glass 3/4 of the way with ice. Drop in 1 slice of lemon. Pour 2-3 fingers worth of Barr Hill Gin over lemon and ice (adjust amount of gin depending on how good/bad your day was). Fill the remainder of the glass with Tonic (any will do). Squeeze 2nd lemon over the drink, drop in, and enjoy on the couch / on the lawn / on the porch / at the beach / by the fire.


Happy Friday!


all images are my own.