introducing: bisou sessions

Friends, I am so excited to announce a project that has been in the works for MONTHS! victoria_gloria_FBB-2


Some back story: in January of this year, my friend Victoria asked me to be a part of a boudoir shoot extravaganza. We were to do an all day shoot of back-to-back sessions, with a carefully curated set and props by the insanely talented Maddie of Oh My Gemini.

Well, the shoot went so well (remember this Instagram?), that we discussed doing it again, and decided that we wanted to KEEP doing it as long as inspiring, lovely ladies wanted to work with us.


So, with much love and a lot of hard work, we've launched Bisou Sessions, a super special boutique boudoir experience for women.

This is not just for brides to be. These aren't only pictures for your boyfriend or your wedding gift; these are for you. This experience is for you.

I'll admit, I've always had reservations about having boudoir pictures taken. I'm so self conscious about my body (my wrinkles, my pale skin, the list goes on), I'm not sure I could go through with it. But when we did our first day of sessions back in January, and I witnessed these immensely beautiful women confidently face the camera, I was sold. The experience was so empowering, so girl power, girl's girl love, and I cannot wait to continue to be inspired by the women we work with. We hope to work with you!


Do me a favor today and click through to read more about what we're offering. If you're interested in booking, email us at kiss AT bisousessions DOT com.Thanks, as always, for your support!








all images by Victoria Gloria.

set and prop styling by Madeline Rhodes.

wardrobe styling by yours truly.

the best gin & tonic you'll ever have

barrhillgin What better way to celebrate the weekend than with a delicious cocktail recipe?

If you've been reading LRW for a bit, you know how passionate I am about gin. Some people say it tastes like Christmas trees, but I love it so. Growing up, my mom and her best friend would always make g&t's after a day at the beach. They would look at each other from their beach chairs and say: "The limes are calling!" That was their signal, and a good gin and tonic is pretty much the only cocktail my mom drinks. So, perhaps my love of gin is genetic.

It's really not a hard drink to make, but I wanted to share my recipe just in case. First of all, Barr Hill gin is the most delicious gin I've ever tasted. A bartender down the road at The Sparrow made me a cocktail with it last summer and I've been obsessed ever since; I only recently found it at the liquor store (thank you, Astoria!). Barr Hill is made with raw honey in Vermont...need I say more?

I make my G&T's with lemon, not lime. I don't know how I got started on this, but it's delicious. Won't you give it a try?

Allie's G&T

1-2oz Barr Hill Gin

4 oz Tonic

2 slices lemon

Chilled cup of ice

Fill a fancy glass 3/4 of the way with ice. Drop in 1 slice of lemon. Pour 2-3 fingers worth of Barr Hill Gin over lemon and ice (adjust amount of gin depending on how good/bad your day was). Fill the remainder of the glass with Tonic (any will do). Squeeze 2nd lemon over the drink, drop in, and enjoy on the couch / on the lawn / on the porch / at the beach / by the fire.


Happy Friday!


all images are my own.

FIVER: favorite cocktails

It's Monday, I know, but let's continue to reminisce on the weekend, and more importantly, beverages. (Golden Globes favorites coming soon/later) I was fortunate enough to receive a "box o' bar," as I like to call it, from Raven for Christmas this year.  You read that right.  A large box full of bitters, Campari, St. Germain, sweet and dry vermouth, triple sec, a shaker, and some classy martini glasses.


Well.  That was a game changer my friends.  Friday night now feels like straight up Mad Men in this household.  Here are our favorite picks, if you're looking to sip on something...


1. Negroni - for evenings you want to get saucy, have 2.  I like these because they feel like a ballsy drink (and I'm a cheap date, big time) but don't taste like a ballsy drink.  Recipe here.


2. Tinto de Verano- a cocktail, if you could call it that, I enjoyed nightly when I studied abroad in Seville, Spain.  The ingredients are simple: lemon Fanta and red wine.  Pour over ice in the ratio of your liking and enjoy.  Drink it all night long, you won't tire of it.


3. Aviation - I didn't know this cocktail existed until a couple weeks ago when my classy, gorgeous friend Ryan whipped it up for me.  Little background on Ryan, he's my best friend's boyfriend and probably the nicest human being on the planet.  He has a penchant for remembering facts about people, like the fact that I love gin cocktails with lots of citrus.  Recipe here.


4. St. Germain & Champagne - easy enough!  And with my box o' bar at my disposal, this is exactly what Raven and I did on New Year's Eve.  It's a nice departure from just a plain glass of champagne (not that champagne is plain…but if you're feelin' fancy).


5. Spicy Grapefruit Margarita via The Life Styled Blog - I know it's still the dead of winter but this has to be on here.  Cara and I had a cooking dinner date last spring and made these and couldn't get enough of them.  The cayenne adds the perfect bite to the marg, and somehow they still go down like water.  Delicioso.

What are your favorite cocktails?  Do tell!


images via Pinterest and The Life Styled Blog.


putting some health in your holiday

Do not get it twisted. The holidays should be enjoyed with full bellies, hearts, and arms. It is arguably necessary to indulge in the abundance of this season, and that includes indulgence in your own health. After all, aren’t we celebrating health? A healthy spirit, healthy relationships, healthy outlooks on a new year? So instead of going down that path where you forget to nurture yourself and feel more burnt out than built up, here’s how to keep the health in your holidays:

Write down your workouts in advance. The holidays are always busy. Take 3-5 hours a week to yourself to just connect with your own body. Sign up for classes in advance so you feel accountable. Include workouts in your planner just like you include holiday parties. Carve out the time you need in advance so you aren’t forced to choose when you are strapped for time and inspiration.

bari class

Simplify your cooking. I love food. My mom is the best chef I know (even her sandwiches have a way of making me reconsider why I ever moved out), and you can bet your cannoli that my dad makes the best pasta and gravy Sunday dinner this side of the Atlantic. But for all of those in between days, post-turkey and pre-pasta, I like to keep it simple. Just buying the necessities. Keeping it lean and delicious with proteins, vegetables, legumes. Simplifying means two things: a budget you can maintain now, and guilt-free indulging later. You’ll get enough food excitement from parties and family functions, so why not keep your list succinct and sustainable. Here’s a sample of what Craig and I are buying right now:

chicken breast







black beans



turkey bacon

I can make three or four meals a day with that list:

Hearty Breakfast: scrambled eggs, fried tomato, avocado slices, turkey bacon and black beans

Breakfast on the go or snack: hard boiled eggs, salsa, spinach

Lunch: Salad with spinach, tofu, avocado, tomato, onion, turkey bacon

Dinner: grilled chicken, lentils or black beans with onions, sauteed spinach

That menu costs around $50 a week for two people. That's a lot of savings. That means more money for Christmas gifts. Like, say, I don’t know, this… asos jacketMeditate, pray, write. Do one or all three of these things depending on your disposition. I’ve taken to meditating first thing in the morning for a mere ten minutes. Clearing your mind, allowing yourself to start your day on your terms is going to give you the juice you need to celebrate with family and friends without burning out. You can’t just hustle to each and every holiday engagement. You’ve got to fill up and recharge so that you have something to give once you’re there.

therabandGet yourself some travel weights. Or resistance bands. Keep it lightweight so that you can pack it easily. This way, no matter where you are you can do a little something. Even if all you’re doing is a set of crunches with weights in your hands, you’re going to raise that heart rate up faster and burn a few more calories in a shorter amount of time. Slipping in a few sets here and there throughout your day when you’re visiting family will make sure you’re not stuck at a gym while trying to hold all those newborn babies.

Like this guy:

photo 1-1photo 2-1

Be honest and gentle. I think the best gift we can give each other during the holidays is the acknowledgement of truth via the gentleness of love. So often we don’t say what we feel, and mostly that happens with the people who need to hear it the most. Open up and stop hiding from those you love. I'll admit it, I have a short temper. Sometimes when I’m on the subway and people are starting to irritate me, I will imagine what they looked like as children. I try to see innocence, wonder, potential. If we can do that with strangers, we certainly should do that with our families. It’s the best time of the year to remember that everyone struggles in their own silent way from time to time, and exposing your honest and gentle self gives everyone else permission to do the same.

What other ways do you give your health a boost over the holidays?

little red in the kitchen: cara talks cooking for others

Guys...Cara is back and we are excited because she is like our Fairy Cooking Godmother.  She makes magic happen in the kitchen, and if you are not reading her blog, you're only hurting yourself.  Take it away, Cara! Bibbity...bobbity...BOO!

I think the main reason I got into cooking, besides that I love to eat, is that I love to cook for others. Sure, I like to devour a plate of brownies in front of the TV by myself every now and then, but isn't food and eating so much more enjoyable (and less shameful) when doing so with others? We all need to eat to live, so we might as well savor it and eat together, right?

Cooking for others can be stressful though! Pressure to impress, trying to be social while you've got 4 pots boiling over on the stove, timing everything so it's ready at the same time - what a headache! Well, fear no more, today I'm sharing some of my tips to make cooking for others as stress-free and low maintenance as possible, whether it's for 2 or 20.


Always Be Prepared

The key to any successful meal, whether it's Kraft mac & cheese or Thanksgiving dinner, is to prepare ahead of time. Always read through the recipe first. Check that you have all of the ingredients before you start cooking. Do you need any special pans or tools? This will help you avoid any mishaps halfway through a recipe. In the same vein, prep as much of the dish as you can beforehand. Chop your vegetables, measure out your spices, season your proteins first, then fire away!


Mix & Match

This one I got from my culinary (and general life) idol, Ina Garten. Don't kill yourself cooking five different dishes from scratch. Mix and match with some store-bought and some homemade dishes. For example, serve only store-bought appetizers (olives, cheese, nuts) or dessert, and give yourself the time and attention you need to focus on a stellar main course. As long as it's tasty, no one's going to judge if that hummus and pita chips came from Trader Joe's or your own kitchen.


One Pot Wonders

I love, love, love one pot meals. Easy prep, easy clean-up, and they're almost always delicious, comforting meals. The options are endless here: lasagna, chili, soup, grandma's famous tuna casserole (just kidding! But if you do have a delicious tuna casserole, please let me know - I'd love to try it!). One pot means you only have to focus on getting one hot dish on the table, and clean-up will be a breeze.


Cool Down

Take advantage of dishes that can be served at room temperature, like pasta salads, frittatas, or even gourmet sandwiches! Timing dishes so that they're all hot and ready at the same time is a pain in the rear - especially if you're limited on kitchen space in NYC. Room temperature dishes will give you some wiggle room, without having to sacrifice flavor or taste.

If You're Stuck, Potluck!

If you've got friends coming over and just haven't had time to grocery shop or just feel overwhelmed by the idea, make it a potluck! Pressure is off, it's super casual, and now you can just savor the meal together instead of worrying if your soufflé is burning in the oven.

Thank you, Cara!  Hmmm, Potluck? Maybe we could combine our skills and throw a great party!  What do you say?

All photos taken by Cara of Cooking with Cara, © 2013.