putting some health in your holiday

Do not get it twisted. The holidays should be enjoyed with full bellies, hearts, and arms. It is arguably necessary to indulge in the abundance of this season, and that includes indulgence in your own health. After all, aren’t we celebrating health? A healthy spirit, healthy relationships, healthy outlooks on a new year? So instead of going down that path where you forget to nurture yourself and feel more burnt out than built up, here’s how to keep the health in your holidays:

Write down your workouts in advance. The holidays are always busy. Take 3-5 hours a week to yourself to just connect with your own body. Sign up for classes in advance so you feel accountable. Include workouts in your planner just like you include holiday parties. Carve out the time you need in advance so you aren’t forced to choose when you are strapped for time and inspiration.

bari class

Simplify your cooking. I love food. My mom is the best chef I know (even her sandwiches have a way of making me reconsider why I ever moved out), and you can bet your cannoli that my dad makes the best pasta and gravy Sunday dinner this side of the Atlantic. But for all of those in between days, post-turkey and pre-pasta, I like to keep it simple. Just buying the necessities. Keeping it lean and delicious with proteins, vegetables, legumes. Simplifying means two things: a budget you can maintain now, and guilt-free indulging later. You’ll get enough food excitement from parties and family functions, so why not keep your list succinct and sustainable. Here’s a sample of what Craig and I are buying right now:

chicken breast







black beans



turkey bacon

I can make three or four meals a day with that list:

Hearty Breakfast: scrambled eggs, fried tomato, avocado slices, turkey bacon and black beans

Breakfast on the go or snack: hard boiled eggs, salsa, spinach

Lunch: Salad with spinach, tofu, avocado, tomato, onion, turkey bacon

Dinner: grilled chicken, lentils or black beans with onions, sauteed spinach

That menu costs around $50 a week for two people. That's a lot of savings. That means more money for Christmas gifts. Like, say, I don’t know, this… asos jacketMeditate, pray, write. Do one or all three of these things depending on your disposition. I’ve taken to meditating first thing in the morning for a mere ten minutes. Clearing your mind, allowing yourself to start your day on your terms is going to give you the juice you need to celebrate with family and friends without burning out. You can’t just hustle to each and every holiday engagement. You’ve got to fill up and recharge so that you have something to give once you’re there.

therabandGet yourself some travel weights. Or resistance bands. Keep it lightweight so that you can pack it easily. This way, no matter where you are you can do a little something. Even if all you’re doing is a set of crunches with weights in your hands, you’re going to raise that heart rate up faster and burn a few more calories in a shorter amount of time. Slipping in a few sets here and there throughout your day when you’re visiting family will make sure you’re not stuck at a gym while trying to hold all those newborn babies.

Like this guy:

photo 1-1photo 2-1

Be honest and gentle. I think the best gift we can give each other during the holidays is the acknowledgement of truth via the gentleness of love. So often we don’t say what we feel, and mostly that happens with the people who need to hear it the most. Open up and stop hiding from those you love. I'll admit it, I have a short temper. Sometimes when I’m on the subway and people are starting to irritate me, I will imagine what they looked like as children. I try to see innocence, wonder, potential. If we can do that with strangers, we certainly should do that with our families. It’s the best time of the year to remember that everyone struggles in their own silent way from time to time, and exposing your honest and gentle self gives everyone else permission to do the same.

What other ways do you give your health a boost over the holidays?

FIVER: allie dishes dates

Raven and I had our first date on August 6th, 2010 at The Half Pint. It was my first real date ever and I remember being so nervous that I actually considered just running away from him in the street and going home. Well, I didn’t run away, and needless to say I’m glad I stuck around because after that first night I was totally smitten.

Dating in New York is fun (with the right person). It’s almot like the city becomes bigger for the two of you, and suddenly there’s somehow more to do and more to explore. Or maybe that’s just love.

Well, explore we did. During our first year of dating, I got about six hours of sleep total (that’s what she said). Raven and I went on a lot of adventures, and though we still go on dates and find time to explore this magical metropolis, we manage to fit in a good night’s sleep while doing so. Here are some of our favorites…

Processed with VSCOcam1. Breakfast. I know this isn’t necessarily novel, but I think eating breakfast with someone you’re dating is one of the most romantic activities in the world. Before we lived together, Raven would wake up with me and before taking me to the train, we would stop and have breakfast. Actual, sit down, big, full belly breakfast. The whole world (or rather, the entirety of Brooklyn) was swirling around us, but for those 45 minutes, we soaked each other in, exchanged coffee breath kisses and sleepy eyed glances, and ate our fill of greasy food. Three+ years later, breakfast is still our date of choice.

2. Exercise. Now Raven and I are not the most active couple in the world, we would definitely like to be better (Courtney and Craig, running double date soon??). Our pattern is no pattern at all. With that being said, sometimes the best way to catch up after a busy week is a long walk or run. Usually Mister Charles tags along, but sometimes it’s just the two of us. I’d say next time you don’t know what to do with your love, brown bag and pocket some beers and walk it out. Or, if you are more active, go get sweaty on a run and then get clean after (winky face). Processed with VSCOcam

3. Jeffrey’s Grocery. (http://jeffreysgrocery.com) To give you a sense of how infrequently we make it into the city anymore, Raven and I hadn’t checked out Jeffrey’s Grocery until this summer even though my good friend recommended this place to me a couple years ago! This place is just one of those spots - it’s about the size of my bed, serving mostly seafood. The bartender is attentive despite the fact that he’s busy all night, and if I recall properly, my chilled soup was so good that I had to yell WHAT’S THAT to distract everyone as I discreetly licked my bowl.  Aside from that momentary indiscretion, it was a great date night.

4. Prospect Park Bandshell. (http://www.prospectpark.org/about/history/historic-places/bandshell) You all have to go see a show here! There’s nothing sweeter than watching the sunset while listening to some great tunes, all the while snuggled up to your favorite person. Tickets are really reasonably priced and there are lots of great snacks and libations.

Processed with VSCOcam5. Haven’s Kitchen. (http://havenskitchen.com) This one snuck onto my list even though we haven’t tried it out yet! Recommended to me by my gorgeous friends Cara and Emily, I got my favorite chef a gift card here for Valentine’s Day. The plan is to have some wine and then go take a cooking class. Or in my case, go watch Raven become an even better cook while I get a little saucy.

What are your favorite date nights?
all photos by allie for LRW