picture of the week.


Do you all travel much? I'm a huge fan of traveling, but as a control freak who has anxiety, it can be a challenge for me (planes scare me!). Still, I love the feeling of a new city, and imagining what it would be like to live there. You know when a new place becomes home, and you can think back and remember how you first felt being there? I like to picture how passersby on the street might have that feeling; that a new place to me is someone's home. I find that thought heartening.

I love how each city has a new smell, and of course I love eating, drinking, and window shopping everywhere I go. The picture above is Lake Como in Italy; it currently holds the number one spot of places I'd like to visit. What's number one for you?

Have a glorious weekend, friends. Exciting news coming next week!



putting some health in your holiday

Do not get it twisted. The holidays should be enjoyed with full bellies, hearts, and arms. It is arguably necessary to indulge in the abundance of this season, and that includes indulgence in your own health. After all, aren’t we celebrating health? A healthy spirit, healthy relationships, healthy outlooks on a new year? So instead of going down that path where you forget to nurture yourself and feel more burnt out than built up, here’s how to keep the health in your holidays:

Write down your workouts in advance. The holidays are always busy. Take 3-5 hours a week to yourself to just connect with your own body. Sign up for classes in advance so you feel accountable. Include workouts in your planner just like you include holiday parties. Carve out the time you need in advance so you aren’t forced to choose when you are strapped for time and inspiration.

bari class

Simplify your cooking. I love food. My mom is the best chef I know (even her sandwiches have a way of making me reconsider why I ever moved out), and you can bet your cannoli that my dad makes the best pasta and gravy Sunday dinner this side of the Atlantic. But for all of those in between days, post-turkey and pre-pasta, I like to keep it simple. Just buying the necessities. Keeping it lean and delicious with proteins, vegetables, legumes. Simplifying means two things: a budget you can maintain now, and guilt-free indulging later. You’ll get enough food excitement from parties and family functions, so why not keep your list succinct and sustainable. Here’s a sample of what Craig and I are buying right now:

chicken breast







black beans



turkey bacon

I can make three or four meals a day with that list:

Hearty Breakfast: scrambled eggs, fried tomato, avocado slices, turkey bacon and black beans

Breakfast on the go or snack: hard boiled eggs, salsa, spinach

Lunch: Salad with spinach, tofu, avocado, tomato, onion, turkey bacon

Dinner: grilled chicken, lentils or black beans with onions, sauteed spinach

That menu costs around $50 a week for two people. That's a lot of savings. That means more money for Christmas gifts. Like, say, I don’t know, this… asos jacketMeditate, pray, write. Do one or all three of these things depending on your disposition. I’ve taken to meditating first thing in the morning for a mere ten minutes. Clearing your mind, allowing yourself to start your day on your terms is going to give you the juice you need to celebrate with family and friends without burning out. You can’t just hustle to each and every holiday engagement. You’ve got to fill up and recharge so that you have something to give once you’re there.

therabandGet yourself some travel weights. Or resistance bands. Keep it lightweight so that you can pack it easily. This way, no matter where you are you can do a little something. Even if all you’re doing is a set of crunches with weights in your hands, you’re going to raise that heart rate up faster and burn a few more calories in a shorter amount of time. Slipping in a few sets here and there throughout your day when you’re visiting family will make sure you’re not stuck at a gym while trying to hold all those newborn babies.

Like this guy:

photo 1-1photo 2-1

Be honest and gentle. I think the best gift we can give each other during the holidays is the acknowledgement of truth via the gentleness of love. So often we don’t say what we feel, and mostly that happens with the people who need to hear it the most. Open up and stop hiding from those you love. I'll admit it, I have a short temper. Sometimes when I’m on the subway and people are starting to irritate me, I will imagine what they looked like as children. I try to see innocence, wonder, potential. If we can do that with strangers, we certainly should do that with our families. It’s the best time of the year to remember that everyone struggles in their own silent way from time to time, and exposing your honest and gentle self gives everyone else permission to do the same.

What other ways do you give your health a boost over the holidays?

your (six hour) thanksgiving roadtrip playlist

Road trips. Airplanes. Mass transit. Rental cars. Yep, you heard right - it’s officially the holiday season. Craig and I live equidistant between Massachusetts (his family) and Pennsylvania (my family), so we’ve got a solid three to four hour trip each time we want some pumpkin pie and mommy hugs.

It’s always the first and most important question of the trip: what should we listen to? So here, I’ve compiled six hours of what I think is a great playlist for the road, and given you a few guidelines for how these songs should be enjoyed. Feel free to follow me on Spotify, put this bad boy on shuffle, and before you know it, your mom will be mixing you a holiday cocktail and stuffing you with turkey.

For your first few miles...

first miles

For a good story...

good story

For getting all sentimental...


For when you want to feel like a badass...


For your pop singalong pleasure...

pop singalong

For the throwback...


For the cheesy songs you don’t want to admit to loving...


For when you are getting punchy...


For sitting back and enjoying the ride...

sit back

What's on your playlist? What did I miss? What's a song I NEED to hear?

when irish eyes are smiling

In two weeks, I will be here...


That's right, I'm going to IRELAND!  My mom and I are headed overseas to the land of our ancestors and we're seeing everything.  We fly in and out of Dublin, and then are spending a week on a guided tour of the country, stopping in Killarney, Kilkenny, and Galway (and many other sights along the way).  I'm really excited to spend some QT with my Mama, as well as learn more about my heritage.  Both my Mom and my Dad's sides of the family are Irish, and I'm just about as sentimental as you can get; needless to say I'm more than thrilled (and a little crazy eyes emotional) about the prospect of finding out about where I come from.

Getting organized for a trip simply delights me- mini toiletry bottles, chic airport outfits, yummy plane snacks.  I'm not a great flier, so this focuses my attention elsewhere (rather than on the fact that I'm sitting in a chair in the sky).

Here's what I'm planning to bring with me to the green, lush, rainy, lovely land of the leprechauns:

I wouldn't feel right going to the place of my ancestors without some green, so I got an LL Bean raincoat to keep me dry.  Pair that with some plaid, worn in denim, a J. Crew sweater (never buy these full price- they go on sale usually more than half off), Sorel rain/snow boots (again- wait for a sale), thick scarf (mine is knit by my incredibly crafty SIL), a good water bottle (don't make me justify hydration), and I think I've got a recipe for some comfy travelin' times ahead.
Here are some inspiration pics for the look I'm after:
A girl can dream, right?  I swear on St. Patrick, if I don't come back SWADDLED in tartan...
Any recommendations for what to do/buy/see/eat/drink, etc in Ireland?  Tips appreciated! 
images via Pinterest, The Sartorialist