picture of the week
Friday! Friends, we made it. Although, I could not fall asleep last night, which meant I was tossing, turning, giggling, and driving Raven crazy by reciting this from memory (it still makes me laugh). What are you up to this weekend? I've got a busy day here in my "office" (couch) and have to run out later for some client returns. Tomorrow we're cleaning the entire house and hightailing it outta here (another of my Dad's favorites) on Sunday to visit Cara and Kevin! What are you up to this weekend? Here's some of my favorite links from the week:
I should have tried these last night.
Tay Tay's bangs are perfection.
A great long wear lipstick test.
Looking forward to trying Cara's gin fizz over Xmas!
I've been on the hunt for the perfect holiday dress and I'm loving these coordinates!
Is it wrong of me to want this necklace?
Friends, have the best weekend ever!