30 days, no shopping: recap

200fcbbfa39214b173525ef265edec75 Friends, I made it! 30 days, no shopping.  Call me frivolous, call me ridiculous, I accept those perspectives.

I'd love to say that this was so hard for me to do, but really? It wasn't. It was great.

I'm not good at challenges and I stink at delayed gratification. Somehow, throughout this challenge, my resolve never faltered. Sure, there were a couple days where I saw a really good sale pop into my inbox and I'd feel a little bummed (or super bummed, either one), but over the 30 days, I began to develop a nice little inner monologue. "There will always be sales," I told myself. I don't think I've ever uttered that phrase before, 'cause mama loves a deal.

There's something so special about waiting and saving for something you want. This month, my big purchases are not clothes, but things that will help me with this little site I've created: a camera, new photos, a new logo, etc. I have the resources to make that investment because I didn't spend money needlessly on anything last month.


The best part were the things I did instead of spending money shopping. I cleaned my apartment, I hugged Raven, I took Charlie to the dog park, I repurposed old jeans and dug a little deeper into my closet, I surprised Raven with brunch and fancy coffee, I called my friend in North Carolina. Oh, and I started (and finished!) Orange Is the New Black.

It was a successful 30 days, folks, and I encourage you to try it. If you take on the challenge (even for a week), drop me a line here or here.

Happy Monday!


concept from Design Darling, top photo via Pinterest, bottom photo my own.

month long challenge

caroline sieber wedding 30 days, no shopping. Sound silly to you? It's very, very real for me.

I decided to challenge myself not to buy ANYTHING for the month of June, and here's why. I'm not, nor have I ever been, a delayed gratification kind of gal. If you want something and it's within your means to have it, then by all means make it happen! Right?

Sometimes. For me, shopping lately has just become something I do rather than a treat. Yes, I write a style blog and yes I want to show you guys awesome clothes...but that doesn't mean I have to own all of the clothes. And to be honest, my bank account could use the month off as well.

So! A little break (got this idea from Design Darling) to recharge, get creative with what I already own, and spend time not being impulsive.

Already I fashioned myself a new pair of jeans from an old pair that I didn't even remember I had. Already, I cleaned out my closet and have my eye on some pieces to clear away. And maybe at the end of he month I'll have the money to buy something REALLY special for myself. Or...maybe I won't want to.

What do you think of my no shopping challenge?


image via.