picture of the week: alt summit edition

Salt Lake City Friends! My most sincere apologies for leaving you high and dry this week. My head is spinning, and speaking of high and dry...I am S-I-C-K sick. Between lack of sleep, the plane ride, and hanging in the dessert, I am fighting a nasty head cold.

Yesterday I took an hour to take myself to the drug store to load up on Mucinex, and was able to get a little tour of SLC on my way. It's so beautiful here, really truly incredible. More beautiful, however, is everything I've learned and all the people I've met in 2 days. The blogging community is a great one, and everyone here is a true creative, hungry for opportunity and relationships. It's awesome.

I wanted to tell you all a little bit about the fashion that I'm seeing here. There is some on point dressing, for sure, and I've noticed a few pieces sticking out that I am loving.


pictured above: // booties // printed blazer // ripped denim // turban headband //

other options: // striped blazer // tan bootie // black ripped denim // hair turban //

Everyone is wearing booties. I mean, everyone. You know I'm a huge fan as well, so this left me tickled. These booties were usually styled with a pair of ankle length ripped jeans, no socks, a structured blazer, and the coup de grace: a hair turban. Essentially, everyone was dressing in a way that I love: add ons (read one of my first posts about this, here). Outfits were basic but stood out because of all the successories - my favorite way to dress!

The other big trend at Alt? The BROWS. Oh, the brows! Dark, filled in, crisp and sharp. I even got into it (you can sort of see below):

ombre hair

Here's a good tutorial I found on Pinterest if you want to give it a whirl!

Friends, I have a new lease on the life of this blog. Expect more from me in 2015.

Have a great weekend!



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