picture of the week [13]

MTE5NTU2MzI0MTc1MzQ5MjU5 Sooo...it's Fashion Week! My friend asked me if I was doing anything for it and, embarrassingly, I'm not. I've never seen a show at Fashion Week, nor have I participated in any events as a blogger. Honestly, it intimidates me a lot. As you guys know, as a stylist my philosophy revolves around approachable, honest, wearable  style. Fashion Week is ART. It's beautiful and I hope hope hope that someday I'm at the level that I can dress clients (or myself, let's be honest) in clothes that walk down the runway, but for now I'm content admiring from the sidelines. With that being said, are any of YOU going to Fashion Week?

If not, what are you doing this weekend? I'm attending the INSPIRING, AWESOME Monarch Workshop tomorrow, and I'm SO EXCITED. Then Sunday I'm actually going to San Francisco for work (I've never been!!) so it should be an exciting few days. Of course, here are my favorite links from the week:

A non-fashion person's guide to Fashion Week (teehee).

Man Repeller's Fashion Week prop kit.

A look at Joan Rivers' style (RIP, Joan).

Have you all tried the app Hyperlapse yet? I think it's so cool!

Have hair like an Olsen.

Raven and I lit a pumpkin candle last night! This one's my favorite.

Crop tops come with us into Fall (and I finally bit the bullet and purchased one!)

Is the iPhone 6 a week away??

In case you missed it, here's this week's FIVER.


image via.