real deal // huge steal

Good morning gorgeous friends! I realize I've never done a splurge / save post for you guys! I know how much I love them, so I'm hoping you guys enjoy them too. It's no secret that I love outerwear. My personal style is all about adding on, and outerwear is like the very snuggly cherry on my style sundae. It's September 8th, and the fact that I haven't yet purchased a coat for the Fall is...uncharacteristic. When I see a piece that I like, I build and entire scenario around it, and I find myself hurtling toward the checkout counter with unstoppable force. Well, Mama found her first coat of the season, and my sartorial reverie has been interrupted by the price tag.


Isn't she beautiful? Isn't she PERFECT? If I had the money, I would be writing this post while wearing her. But alas, no such luck.  So can you imagine my delight, my mental fist pump into the air, when I stumbled across THIS:



I feel so much better. Come to Mama, lovely.

Tell me, friends, what piece of clothing is hardest for you to resist?
