picture of the week [19]
Happy Halloween, friends! I've got an exciting one today, starting with prep and fittings for the shoot tomorrow, and then hanging with some friends this evening. Be sure to check Instagram to see what I'm being! I'm still nursing this sore throat, so Sunday Raven and I will probably just take it easy with the extra hour of sleep (daylight savings!). Side note, tomorrow is November. How are we here? Suddenly I feel like I'm behind on Christmas shopping...I'm kidding (sort of). See you back here Monday, and as always, here are my favorite links this week:
Finally! Raven and I popped over last night and we highly recommend it.
Proof that everything matches. Love this outfit, makes me want this.
This makes me miss Ireland so much.
Love this marble shelf (and the price, too).
A cozy sweater from Anthro.
And the winner of a $50 ASOS gift certificate is...
Congrats, I'll be emailing you shortly! Thanks to everyone for participating in the LRW birthday extravaganza. It really is so fun writing this blog and I so appreciate that you read it.
image via.