the first ten years

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 4.23.03 AM Courtney is one of my best friends. She and I moved to New York together as roommates in 2007. She supported me through break-ups and breakdowns and she was by my side on November 7th when Raven and I got married (she was also there, three days prior, for an hour + long conversation as I ranted away about trivial stresses).

Today her first book comes out. It's called The First Ten Years, and if you have a shred of creative drive anywhere in your body, it's for you. If you've ever considered a grander plan, breaking the mold, or have spent an afternoon crafting, please consider purchasing it.

I haven't finished reading the book yet, but that's not required for me to show you how much she knows about the creative struggle. You are reading the proof. 

You have something more to give.

-Courtney Romano

Courtney helped me found this blog, and helped me create my business. This is not me blowing smoke, it's just fact. She believes so wholeheartedly in our capacity for greater, smarter, more fulfilling work, that before this book was even a serious consideration in her mind, she was living and breathing its ideals.

If you go back in the archives of LRW, you'll find Courtney's posts on this blog. If you're interested in checking out her writing style, here are a couple of my favorites:

Being Alone in New York City

Goodbye 20's: The Biggest Mistakes of My Last 10 Years

What Perfectionism Can Do For You

But truly, go buy the book. You will not regret it.



image via Courtney's Instagram. Her website is

style stories 1

Friends, I apologize for being MIA this week. Between day job and fun, I was burning the candle at both ends, and I am exhausted, uninspired, and a little burnt out. Which means it's the perfect time to launch my new video series: STYLE STORIES! Our first guest is one of my best friends, Courtney Romano. Please check out the video below and let me know what you think!

ps - if you would like to be interviewed for Style Stories, email me at




what's in a name?


Lately a lot of folks have asked me, "What does Little Red's Well mean?"

So I thought I'd lay it all out for you to share, and then once the new website (so so soon!) is up and running, I'll include this in the about page!

If you remember correctly, my good friend Courtney pushed me to start a blog when I told her how much I wanted to do it (but didn't know how and was terrified, etc). We decided to do it together, and a conversation about what to call the blog was had. By the way...if you need to feel motivated about your own creative path in some way, please hire Courtney to help you. I always say to people that if you give her 5 minutes she'll convince you to start a business. She's great at what she does. Anyway, the name. We decided to make this blog a lifestyle blog, and Courtney brought up a beautiful metaphor; that each of us has a well of inspiration that needs to be filled up, in order for us to be fulfilled. We were hoping that the blog we created would be a place where people could fill up their well of inspiration, every day. Once she mentioned that metaphor, I had a clear image of a woman in a beautiful red cape in the middle of the woods, peering into this moss-covered stone well. Little Red's Well! There you have it.

Is it because of my red hair? Sure! I mean, I dye it but I do like to consider myself an honorary redhead.

Am I Little Red? I don't know! I don't think so? I'm Allie, and I'm a stylist, and I write this blog that I love. So the blog is little red...or maybe you all are little red! I think the point's up for interpretation. :)

Either way, I hope you all enjoy the content here, in my little corner of the internet, because I sure love writing it!


image via