style dictionary: bouclé
Good morning, friends! In an effort to be the most well-rounded, diverse style blog on your blogroll, I am rolling out a new series today: STYLE DICTIONARY! I don't know about you, but half the time when I'm making a purchase, I have no idea what the description on the tag means. What's a henley? What's argyle? You get my drift. Slowly over time I've busied myself with learning these vestial buzzwords, but I realize you may not have done the same. Today I'm going to do my best to take the guess work out of shopping for you all, starting with the word BOUCLÉ.
According to my good friend Merriam Webster, the word is defined as, "an uneven yarn of three plies, one of which forms loops at intervals." It also describes the type of fabric made from the aforementioned yarn. The best way to remember bouclé? CHANEL.
That, right there, is bouclé! That fuzzy texture no doubt made famous by Chanel's jackets, is bouclé! Jackie Kennedy was wearing it on that fateful day in Dallas, and these days you can find it just about anywhere. Here are 3 bouclé pieces I'm loving:
// yellow coat // scarf // sneakers //
There you have it, friends! If you like this new series, let me know! I'll bring it back again next week.