style at home : marcie kovac of bananaland

Hey friends!

Long time no see,  and it has been weighing on me that I haven't touched base in almost two weeks. It has been crazy busy for me but I'm also going through a bit of a transition career-wise (allll good things) and I've needed some time to just be for a second.

Last week I headed up to Bridgeport for the afternoon to spend some time giving Marcella (1/3 of the AMAZING team behind my logo!) a closet makeover and just generally hangin. We got a LOT done in a short time and I wanted to show you all a few pictures from our session!

Marcie in her living room.

Both Marcie and her husband are graphic designers, so their home is chock full of incredible personal touches. Poop emoji pillow? Perfection. 

Marcie's incredible dining room with the painting she upcycled!

Marcie and the team at Bananaland designed my logo this past January - they just got me - and it was with great pleasure that I could help Marcie hone in on her true personal style, weed out pieces that don't suit her, and make room for new, inspiring pieces.

Pixel the cat, my love from afar (I'm allergic)

You can tell from these images that Marcie has impeccable taste. But that doesn't stop her from getting tripped up occasionally with clothes that she buys. Truly, it happens to everyone! Our session together focused on finding a common thread throughout her existing wardrobe so that pieces she adds in the future stick to that common thread. Saves time, saves money, I promise!

Marcie in her backyard.

Marcie and her husband own a house with ample room for outdoor hanging. Marcie, I'm invited to BBQ's, right?

A shirt / sweater combo I put together for Marcie that she ended up loving! Shirt is vintage, sweater is from a recent trip to Japan.

This vintage shirt Marcie is wearing almost got cut - she just wasn't sure how to wear it. But paired with this bright sweater on top, the top was revived! Pattern mixing, colors, very Marcie and just so pleasing to the eye.

Bridgeport's sweet little landmark!

Marcie's favorite flats - colorful like her :)

This summer we're focusing on finding pieces that speak to Marci, are warm weather appropriate, and can last for years to come. Gauntlet thrown, challenge (happily) accepted! 

Marcie and I had such a blast talking style, laughing hysterically, and just hanging - it was such a breath of fresh air for me, and I'm so excited for the adventures to come...

Thanks for stopping by, friend! That's all I've got for you today.



how to: define your personal style

Good morning, friends! I'm so excited today because we're getting philosophical with this shit. Not just what to wear, but why you wear it.

Your style: how you visually introduce yourself to the world. The first act of creativity in your day. Whatever you want to call it...have you ever actually defined it? 

It's not easy, right? It's on the tip of your tongue, you know what you like, of course, but you've never actually distilled your aesthetic into a few sentences. 

You pin this:

But most days, you wear this: 

And it's not that you don't like what you actually wear, but you wonder how you go from seeing A, to wearing B, and what gets lost in translation.

 I hear all the time from clients:

I saw ____ on the rack, immediately fell for it, and have never worn it because I don't know how.

And this happens to us because we haven't taken the time to really consider what we like and why. We make hasty choices at H&M because we need a black work shirt! Instead of chewing on, marinating in, and spending hard earned money in the right place on pieces that delight us, fill us up (remember this concept from LRW?), inspire us, and encapsulate who we really are. We consume for the sake of consuming (guilty!) and end up resenting the lack of space in our closets. 

So, we need to define our style. Like, really, write down a brutally honest description of our style sensibility.

Okay, I'll go first.

Dressed down, menswear inspired, bold, dark colors, a mix of high & low.

I could go on: party on top, sleek lines on the bottom, heavy, weighty footwear.

That? Is nothing like the first picture above. It is exactly what's going on in the picture below. Cool. Check. Why do I like picture A? What about it revs me up? Hmm, well, I love the colors, I love her bag, I love how unique the look is, I love how happy she looks! I love her confidence

Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Sometimes what we like has nothing to do with the clothes.                                         I told you. Philosophical.

So yeah, this is important. Here's why:

1. It saves us money. When we define our style, we stop spending money needlessly. We choose to consume less and spend wiser on pieces that adhere to the definition we've laid out.

2. It brings us closer to knowing ourselves. I'm not trying to get all preachy and cheesy here, but truly! If I know that what inspires me about stylish women is their confidence, then I know that this is a huge personal priority. I can begin to seek out confidence in my life...all because of clothes. Guys! I love this shit. 

I love this shit so much that I created a worksheet for you to download, right now, that will guide you towards defining your style. I'm doing it, too! It's free, and I cannot wait to hear what you think. Grab it, right here.

And that's all I've got for you today.

